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The Daragh O'Malley News Pages
Exciting times for Daragh!
June 28, 2011
It's been a while since the last update of the blog, but that doesn't mean we have forgotten either Daragh or you, his fans, but now and then there are times when life tends to get in the way a bit. A lot has happened over the past months and most of it has been very good.
On October 21st last year Daragh was at the official launch of Sharpe's Children which took place in London at Apsley House, original home of the Iron Duke and still owned by the present-day Duke of Wellington. Among the guests were some well-known actors from the Sharpe movies, like Sean Bean, who had managed to attend in spite of his busy schedule, John Tams and Jason Salkey, and the writer of the Sharpe books, Bernard Cornwell. A full report and pictures of the occasion can be found at the Sharpe's Children website.
The cause itself has received an Intellectual Property Magazine Award. Every year, the IPM team chooses a charity to support through the awards. They do this by donating £5 per entry and by running a charity auction or prize draw at the awards ceremony. They have chosen Sharpe's Children, not only because it also focuses on caring for and educating children but also because of its innovative use of a well-established intellectual asset. We heartily congratulate everyone who has contributed to the realization of Sharpe's Children. Read more on this at IPA.
Between 23 and 25 September, a column made up of Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry from the armies of Wellington and Napoleon will three days on the march to cover 50 miles of `The Ridgeway', `Chiltern Way' and `Thames Path', spanning Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire countryside in the UK, to raise funds and awareness for the charity. Registration for the march opened April 30th, so if you haven't registered yet, please do so at Sharpe's March.
On May 21st Daragh was interviewed for the Portugal News Online. The interview was mostly about his work in the Sharpe movies and his efforts to raise money for Sharpe's Children. The full interview can be found on the web at The Portugal News.
From January through April Daragh toured with The Original Theatre Company, performing the play Dancing at Lughnasa by Brian Friel. He played the part of Father Jack. Here is an example of the glowing reviews. If you had the misfortune to miss it, you can catch up on things by visit the production's weblog. An interview with Daragh on the role he played can be read in full at Whatsonstage.
Last but not least, Daragh also played the part of Leodegrance, father of Guenivere in the new television series Camelot, airing now on Starz cable channel. For those of you who missed that, the complete Season 1 series will soon be out on DVD and Blu-ray. All in all, not a bad year so far. Hopefully the work will continue and we'll be able to watch him again on stage or on the big or small screen.
Sharpe's Children to launch at Apsley House
September 3, 2010
The Sharpe's Children Foundation to Launch at Apsley House - Home of The Duke of Wellington ! Homes do not come any grander than Apsley House and The Sharpe's Children Foundation are overwhelmed to have been graciously invited by The Duke of Wellington and his son Lord Douro to the magnificent Waterloo Gallery on the evening of October 21st to announce it's mission and intentions to the world.
Apsley House is widely regarded as the finest private residence in London and the launch of The Sharpe's Children Foundation will be the first ever event, other than the famous Waterloo Banquets, ever held at Number One London. Daragh O'Malley, Director of The Sharpe's Children Foundation says: " I am actually astounded that The Duke of Wellington is throwing open his magnificent home for the baptism of The Sharpe's Children Foundation. This is a major endorsement of our efforts to alleviate the disease of child poverty and achieve universal primary education. It also shows that Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe novels and the subsequent TV series have made a huge impact on all levels of society. I am also dizzy at the prospect that the ghost of The Iron Duke will be there, in his home, on the great evening to wish us well ."
This just in from the Sharpe's Children Foundation. "Seven weeks to go to The Sharpe's Children Foundation launch at Apsley House, Number One London - the magnificent home of The Duke of Wellington ! Sean Bean today confirmed that his filming schedule on Game of Thrones will allow him to attend. Bernard Cornwell will ...also be there to celebrate the launch of this very unique charity."
Sharpe's Children website is up!!!!!
March 4,2010
Daragh's new website is up and running at the link above. It is chock full of info and news updates about the Sharpe's Children Foundation as well as updates on some of the Sharpe's actors.
Drop by and check it out, there are links to make donations or just drop Daragh and the Foundation a note in their guestbook.
Sharpe's Children Foundation sponsors The Street Kids World Cup
January 20,2010
An Update on the Sharpe's Children Foundation from Facebook!
The Sharpe's Children Foundation is a main sponsor of The Street Kids World Cup which will be on in Durban, South Africa, in March.
The Launch will be held at Downing Street, on February 11th at 6:30. David Beckam is with them as is Alex Ferguson and Gary Lineker, teams from eight countries compete in the Finals including India and Ukraine.
Upcoming role news!
September 18, 2009
IMDB has a new role for Daragh listed under his profile. He was in an episode of "The Royal", a medical drama set in St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital in the sea-side town of Elsinby. The 1960s-set show first hit ITV screens back in 2003, The show is filmed primarily in the North Yorkshire resort of Scarborough - however, many hospital ward scenes are shot at St Luke's Hospital, Bradford, in the now disused Maternity Wing. Show producers chose this location beacuse it hadn't been updated for many years and so closely resembled what a 1960s hospital would look like. ( taken from the ITV website)
Daragh will be playing Niall Donahue. His episode is titled "Counting Chickens" and originally aired on ITV on july 19. The show has been airing since 2003. So far there is no sign of this show being available in the US.
Sharpe's Children Website
July 13, 2009
Daragh has finally gotten his Sharpe's Children web site started. Although as of today there is only the first page and " Under Construction" there is no doubt soon there will be more content. Stay tuned and keep your eyes open for Daragh's latest endeavor to finally come to fruition!
Sharpe's Chef signing at Waterstone's
June 28, 2009
Daragh, along with old friends Jason Salkey and Paul Bigley were available for autograph at Waterstone's in Greenwich, London along with many of the authors of the Shape's Chef series, and some members of the 95th Re-enactors group. They signed copies and met with fans of the second book in the Sharpe's Chef series benefiting Children with Leukemia. Pictures will be to follow soon, and can be found all over Facebook and SBO forum.
Sharpe's at Historicon 2009
May 03, 2009
Historicon 2009 is a convention for historical minature gaming community in the US. This year they will be covering the Napoleonic Wars in Lancaster, PA. Among the many special guests and open games that will be played at the convention Jason Salkey, AKA Rifleman Harris is scheduled to attend. Others from the series are mentioned on their site, including Daragh and Sharpe's Author Bernard Cornwell, however there is still no confirmation yet except for Jason Salkey. Their website gives full details of the events and guests attending.
Sharpe's Children
May 03, 2009
Hello and welcome to the new Daragh O'Malley fan page, hosted by Sean Bean Online and The Sharpe Compendium. I hope to keep everyone updated with any and all news about Daragh O'Malley's work and upcoming events. As well as any film and DVD releases.
Right now things are a bit quiet. He was last reported to be working on "Sharpe's Children", a charitable organization to help orphans at a catholic mission on the sub continent, with the hope to open a centre in each of the countries Sharpe's has been filmed in. So far, the web site www.sharpeschildren.com is still down, but I will be keeping my eyes open as to when it does become up and running. More than likely, it will be up once all the legal filings are signed, sealed and delivered and the administration side set up
Well I hope you enjoy the new home for Daragh O'Malley fans. I am hoping this place will grow as Daragh's Career flourishes.

- • Daragh's Filmography
A lifetime of acting...
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